CASE STUDY: "Il Gigante - Shopping Centres”

The Giant chooses Visionarea's People counting system  to monitor visitor traffic and management of maximum capacity. The number of people there is shown in real time on traffic light displays positioned at the entrances, on smartphones and on security officers’ smartphones.

Visionarea Il Gigante People Counting

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Il Gigante Shopping Centre Manager 


To ensure compliance with the quota limits linked to the Covid-19 public health emergency, Il Gigante intends to monitor in real time and with maximum precision, the number of people visiting their main centre - La Fontana in Cinisello Balsamo (MI). The centre has three floors with 10 separate entrances, with an average number of daily admissions of 8,000 and a maximum capacity of 1,250.

The Centre Manager's objective is to:

  • Be able to instantly consult, at any time, the number of people at the centre
  • Sharing the counter indicating the number of people there with the security staff in charge of managing entry/exit flows
  • Displaying the number of people there and the "go-ahead" for customers to enter the building

Visionarea Solution

  • Our 3D binocular sensors have been positioned at every access point to the centre. The sensors are connected to the Visionarea cloud SIM card in an industrial router provided by Visionarea. 
  • An interface has been developed for users, accessible from mobile phones and browsers from which they can consult the centre's occupancy level in real time, indicated by a traffic light display ( Green / Red ).
  • The interface signals red when the occupancy level of free seats is higher than the percentage threshold set by the customer. The customer determines the maximum capacity and the % threshold above which the red light is triggered
  • The system is effective in real time: the counter is updated at each entry/exit passage.
  • Visionarea took care of all stages of the project, from design, up to the installation and testing of the system.
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