CASE STUDY: "Reformation USA"

Designing, supplying and setting up an integrated  people counting system for a US retail chain. The system was deployed across all The Reformation stores, in USA and UK.

Contapersone Visionarea per Centro Commerciale Il Gigante

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Retail Vice President


The Reformation, after experimenting with other camera-based counting system, was looking for a technology that could be:

  • Accurate
  • Easily deployable, as far as installation of the counting devices on site
  • Data accessible via an online portal
  • Integration with customer’s information system

Visionarea Solution

After a pilot run on a single store, Visionarea sent  3D sensors to all The Reformation stores. Physical installation of the devices was carried on by contractors managed by the customer, Visionarea provided remote support to the contractors. Deployment took place in a time span of about 10 days, across the whole chain. A training session took place, after the completion installation, with a walkthrough in MonitorEyes – Visionarea portal

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